US Justice Dept announces launch of national crypto enforcement team

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Read the original article by: Turner Wright Here

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco announced the National Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team, a program aimed at curbing hacks within crypto. Speaking at the Aspen Institute Cyber Summit she elaborated further on the purpose of the initiative “We want to strengthen our capacity to dismantle the financial ecosystem that enables these criminal actors to flourish and — quite frankly — to profit from what they’re doing,” said Monaco. “We’re going to do that by drawing on our cyber experts and cyber prosecutors and money-laundering experts.”

Much like America’s choice to getting involved in World War 2 their decision to set up a cybersecurity team was inevitable. It seems like every other week there’s a news story detailing a hack happening, and how it’s different from the thousand that came before. This definitely drives consumer concern and scares away individuals that would otherwise love the space.

Hopefully, the government doesn’t become hawkish, cause while ill give them credit for setting up this task force, they are famous for running programs with ulterior motives.


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