New York Mayor Wants Crypto Taught in Schools

  • New York Mayor-elect Eric Adams has announced his desire for cryptocurrency to be taught in New York City schools.

  • During an interview with CNN’s State of the Union, Adams spoke about cryptocurrency and how it is “a new way of paying for goods and services throughout the entire globe.” Adams recognized the significance of cryptocurrency, imploring schools to “open our schools to teach the technology, to teach this new way of thinking.”

  • These statements come as Adams announced his plans to promote Bitcoin and general cryptocurrency usage as a form of payment in New York. “New York must remain a center of innovation, no matter what that innovation is,” he said.

  • While the announced policies are revolutionary, New York is not the first locality to attempt to implement cryptocurrency educational programs for local schools. The Georgia House of Representatives passed a bill to create a financial literacy program that would include crypto in high schools.


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