Polkadot Sets Date for Hotly Anticipated Parachain Auctions

There could still be minor changes to the schedule, but the first auction is slated to begin on Nov. 11. Read the full article by: Ian Allison

Key Points:

  • Polkadot has been testing out the parachain auctions on their “canary” network, Kusama for the past couple months and DOT has now announced they are ready to launch on the Polkadots mainnet.

  • The auctions will be voted on by users of the DOT ecosystem to decide who will be able to build on Polkadots network.

  • The first auctions are set to go live on November 11th but the five winning projects would not be on boarded until Dec 15th 2021.

  • “Similar to how the Kusama genesis launch was a bit chaotic – as advertised – we hope the lessons we learned and bugs we squashed in the Kusama parachain launch lead to a comparably ‘boring’ parachain launch on Polkadot,” he said.


Daily Digest 10/13


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