Half of Uniswap V3 Liquidity Providers Underperform Holding: Bancor Study
Half of the users providing liquidity on Uniswap V3 have suffered negative returns compared to just passively holding, a Bancor study has found. Read the full article by: Stefan Stankovic
Key Points:
Uniswap is the largest and most popular decentralized exchange by almost every measurable metric. A benefit too using Uniswap is that it allows those who are putting up liquidity for others to trade make money on those transaction fees.
Instead of the exchanges taking the maker fee when you add liquidity to their book, Uniswap lets the user profit from it. In theory this is a great opportunity for people that are essentially sitting on their crypto to earn something on.
A study backed by Bancor and Topaze Blue found that about 50% of liquidity providers on Uniswap are yielding negative returns. One of the liquidity pools is showing that 74% of those LPs are in the negative. Based on this the standard buy-and-hold method outperformed those who were providing liquidity in any pool on Uniswap.
This is due to impermanent loss which is the difference in value between depositing assets in multi asset pools or holding the same assets. While the pools generated $199 million in transaction fees they also incurred $260 million in impermanent losses.
“Our core finding is that overall, and for almost all analyzed pools, impermanent loss surpasses the fees earned during this period. Importantly, this conclusion appears broadly applicable; we have collected evidence that suggests both inexperienced retail users and sophisticated professionals struggle to turn a profit under this model.” said the author of the study.